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SpyDetect Free reveals if you are being monitored

SpyDetect Free is a free program for Windows that answers the two simple questions "Am I being spied on" and "Am I being monitored" when you run it on your device.

There are numerous ways to track users, from built-in operating system or software features to borderline-malicious tracking apps and programs that are outright malicious in nature.

It is difficult to find out whether you are being tracked -- chance is quite good that you are to an extent -- and even more so for users with little computing experience.

While it is possible to limit the effectiveness of tracking, for instance by cutting off computers from the Internet, it is usually not feasible to do so.

SpyDetect Free has been designed to quickly detect certain forms of spyware running on a computer system.

In particular, it detects whether keystrokes are recorded on the system, and whether activity is monitored when the computer is being used.

spydetect free

Download the 32-bit or 64-bit version of the application from the developer website and run it after you have extracted the executable file on the system you want to run the program on. The program does not need to be installed and can be run from any location.

Please note that you may get an UAC prompt when you run it.

Click on the "check now" button to start the scan and wait 60 seconds for it to complete. In fact, the "Am I being spied on" check completes nearly instantaneous while the "Am I being monitored" check takes 60 seconds to complete.

Make sure the window of the program stays active in that time as it is required to complete the scan.

While there are not many information to go by in the program itself, it seems that the spying test detects processes known to record keystrokes, while the monitoring test whether the program's own window title is grabbed by one of the running processes on the system.

Information on the program's homepage reveal additional information:

  • Am I being spied on searches for processes "that have installed HOOKS on your keyboard".
  • Am I being monitored detects the "most common practices among monitoring software present on the market".

Results are displayed directly in the interface, and will always be either "probably not" if the program did not detect any spying activity, or "probably yes", if it did detect something during its scan.

Closing Words

SpyDetect Free detects common keylogging or monitoring processes on devices running Windows. While it won't detect all variants, it can still be useful especially since it is portable and does not take long to run.

Now You: Which security software do you run?

This article was first seen on ComTek's "TekBits" Technology News