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How to force Skype to use custom video settings

If you are using the Skype software to make video calls, you may have noticed that it does not offer options to customize the video output on your machine.

Skype enables HD video only on computer systems that match certain requirements. If your system does not meet those requirements or if Skype identified the hardware incorrectly, you may be left with SD video only.

Improve low-quality videos with Blurry Video Clearer Free

Low-quality videos can be a pain to watch, especially if you have to watch them or want to make them available for others to watch.

If you only have that self-recorded video of your daughter's marriage ceremony, your son's graduation or the last family vacation, then there is little that you can do but to make the best out of it.

Software programs can help sometimes and Blurry Video Clearer Free is one of those programs. All you have to do is to load the video into the application, flip a few switches, and let the program do the heavy lifting.

Latest Chromecast update brings custom Backdrop support

A new Chromecast update is currently being rolled out by Google that updates the Chromecast application on Android to version 1.8.22.

While many users are still on version 1.7.4, some can also already use the new functionality that the update introduces to the app.

It is now possible to configure custom backdrops using the application. The application supported the casting of photos and images before but only in form of applications such as Google+ which enabled you to view images on the TV.

Firefox best browser to run Unity WebGL content according to Unity

If you are serious about browser games you may have the Unity plugin installed in your browser of choice. This plugin is currently required to play games that use Unity, a cross-platform game creation system that includes a game engine and an integrated development environment (IDE).

The company is currently working on supporting WebGL due to the fact that most companies that create browsers are moving away from the plugin system.

Display detailed Firefox session information

Ever since I started using Firefox I have configured the web browser to load the previous browsing session. This was not overly comfortable in the beginning as all sites were loaded at once on browser start, but I was able to improve that first by using add-ons and then later on natively when Mozilla introduced what these add-ons offered natively in the browser.

New Adware method: manipulating browser shortcuts to change the home page

Whenever browser makers tighten the defense systems of the browser it does not take long usually before advertising companies and malware writers find new methods to penetrate those defense.

Some browsers display information to the user when the homepage changes while others such as Chrome may even reset settings automatically when changes are noticed.

Bookmark importing now easier in Opera browser

If you are using a recent version of the Opera browser, you may have noticed that it is not that easy to import bookmarks from another web browser or a local bookmarks file.

Opera users came up with quite a few workarounds to that issue, from bookmarking a plain bookmarks file exported from another browser to importing into Chrome first and replacing Opera's bookmarks file with that of the Chrome browser.

Offtime: block communication on Android to avoid distraction

I barely look at my Android phone throughout the work day unless I have to make a call or get a SMS but some of my friends seem to use their devices nearly all the time.

These new ways of communicating and being entertained all the time can be quite distracting at times which is not always a good thing.

If you have a work deadline for instance or need to finish reading a book for class, you may want to block all those distractions for the time being.

While it should be easy enough to put the phone aside for the time being, it appears to be difficult for some.

The new features of the Windows 10 Command Prompt

If you have played around on a Windows 10 Preview system you may have noticed that it features an improved command prompt.

While you won't notice that right away, as it looks just like always, you will quickly notice changes when you try and paste into the command prompt or copy contents displayed there to the clipboard.

Direct options to copy and paste are not the only changes though. Once you open the preferences you will notice new feature additions that may make life a lot easier, especially if you use the command line a lot.

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