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May 2015

Firefox’s Performance Monitor highlights slow add-ons and resource usage

Performance Monitor is a new internal page in the Firefox browser that displays slow add-on alerts and resource usage of the browser starting with Firefox 40.

One of the things that I like about Google Chrome is the browser's Task Manager as it highlights resource usage of browser components in an easy to access way.

While you have a couple of tools for Firefox that provide you with similar information, they come mostly in form of add-ons that you have to know about before you can install them.

What you need to know about Office 2016 before you install it

Microsoft has just published the Office 2016 Preview application for home and enterprise. It is available to Office 365 subscribers, other Office users and non-Office users on the Office website.

If you are not an Office 365 subscriber, you can download a 32-bit or 64-bit installer for the Office 2015 Preview from the site.

A click on one of the download links loads a small stub installer to the computer system which downloads the full installation package when executed on it.

Test scrolling improvements in latest Chrome Dev for Android

Only Chrome Stable and Beta were available up until recently for the Android operating system. Google changed this recently by adding Chrome Dev as another build to the company's Play Store.

Chrome Dev on Android is the new cutting edge version for the operating system which gets features first before they land in beta and then eventually in stable if they make the cut.

The system works similar to the release hierarchy on the desktop but with the difference that you can install all three browser channels at the same time.

Look up security information about a domain or IP with TargetAnalyser

ThreatAlert is a free program for Windows operating systems that queries several security databases and services on the Internet to reveal information about domain names or IP addresses.

One of the lesser known tasks of webmasters is to make sure that their sites are not blocked by antivirus and security solutions.

I ran into those issues three times in the past ten years and it was always problematic to get it resolved.


How to move Windows 10 apps to another drive to save space

While most apps for Windows 10 are considerable small in size, there are some games and larger apps available for the system that occupy hundreds of Megabytes or even more than that.

This may not be an issue if you have plenty of space available, but if your main drive is running low on space, you may want to consider moving heavy apps to another drive to free up space on the main drive.

Firefox Add-on Manager update introduces signing information


If you have installed the most recent version of Firefox Nightly, you may have noticed changes in the add-on manager that comes with every version of Firefox.


The add-on manager highlights the signing state of every add-on installed in Firefox. As you may know, Mozilla will introduce add-on signing in Firefox 42 which means that add-ons need to be submitted to Mozilla so that they can be signed by the organization.

The state of multi-process architecture in Firefox


Mozilla has been working on a multi-process architecture for Firefox for some time now. The feature separates components of the browser from each other to improve stability and also security.


Electrolysis, or e10s, is still in active development and original plans to release it with an earlier version of the browser has to be delayed.