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December 2014

DriveTheLife: update, backup and restore Windows drivers

Most of the devices and hardware that you connect to a PC running a recent version of Windows work out of the box without any configuring or driver installations.

While that is certainly not the case for all of them, things have gotten a lot better in this regard in the past ten years.

It may still make sense to install driver updates regularly or even install drivers provided by the manufacturer instead of making use of the generic drivers that Windows ships with.

Security Plus checks links in Firefox on Virustotal without leaving the page

It can sometimes be difficult to tell if a web page or domain a link points to is a legit site or not. While the url of the site may give you clues at times, for example if you know it already, it is at other times not possible to determine whether it is secure to visit a site or not based solely on a link.

Monitor network traffic of Windows processes with Socket Sniff

SocketSniff is a free portable program for Windows that enables you to watch WinSock activity of a selected process in the Windows operating system.

It can sometimes be useful to find out if a process connects to a computer network or the Internet, and if it does, what it uploads to the Internet or downloads from it.

While all of that may not always be possible to tell, for instance when encryption is being used, there are still information that can be gathered during the process.

Prevent programs from losing focus automatically in Windows

Only one program window has the focus in the Windows operating system at any given time. This means that you cannot interact with other programs unless you activate them first or use third-party software that enables you to interact with them even if they are not focused (Wizscroll is one program that offers that feature).

WinPrivacy review: new program of WinPatrol maker

WinPrivacy is a new program by the maker of the popular WinPatrol application that has been released as a beta version today.

The program, just like WinPatrol, is not free but commercial. It has been designed to improve user privacy on the Internet in numerous ways.

While you could assume that it is a CCleaner type of application, it is in fact complementary to the program as it concentrates on other privacy related issues.

How to tell if a shortened link is secure in 2015

If you hang out a lot on social media sites such as Twitter or Facebook, you have encountered countless links that were shortened.

What is meant by that is that proxy links tend to get posted on these sites that do nothing but redirect you to the real site when you click on them.

While that may make sense on Twitter with its artificial 140 character limit, it is a dangerous habit that has no real advantage other than reducing the number of characters displayed on the screen.

Customize Windows components with NTLite

The Windows installer does not offer many customization options. While it is possible to enable or disable some features afterwards, you generally end up with a selection of common tools and features that you may not require.

What's the purpose of installing Bluetooth support for example if you know you never need it? One could say that it does not really matter if features are installed or not as they don't get in the way usually and don't use lots of disk space either.